KALCRET used in wastewater treatment plant

Kalenborner wear protection solutions are also used in applications one would not necessarily think of, for instance in wastewater treatment plants. During the treatment process, many kinds of solid matter are removed that can cause considerable wear to the plant. KALCRET is the remedy.

A Kalenborn client based in Schwäbisch Gmünd is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of pumps and motors for transporting all kinds of liquids. Their product range also includes wastewater pumps that are used in clarification plants.

Wastewater is conveyed to a settling tank by a screw pump lifting system that is installed in a 9 m-long trough. The conveyed solid matter, such as sand, grit and refuse together with the exposure to chemical substances, causes significant wear and tear. This meant that the wear-resistant concrete originally used to line the trough began to exhibit extensive damage. The company was therefore on the look-out for a cost-effective repair option for the damaged sections of the trough and got in touch with Kalenborn.

We had already worked with the customer for a number of years on various projects involving the use of cast basalt linings for screw pump transport equipment. Our solution – refurbishment with KALCRET – again met with our client’s approval. Kalenborn took over the entire planning and imple-mentation process from core removal to installation of the new trough. The customer was especially pleased as it was possible to carry out the refurbishment work at short notice. This was because it was not necessary to manufacture the material to order as KALCRET is always in stock. The customer was similarly impressed by the increase in service life in comparison with that offered by conventional concrete refurbishment.