As part of the campaign week at the beginning of October, there was a ‘shift change’. People with and without disabilities who work in workshops for disabled people (WfbM for short) were able to spend a day doing different jobs at Kalenborn. The aim of the campaign is to break down prejudices and barriers and discover new perspectives. In an era of skills shortages, new opportunities can be recognized and synergies exploited.
Shift Change is a nationwide campaign organized by the Federal Working Group of Workshops for People with Disabilities e.V. (BAG WfbM), in which Kalenborn regularly participates. On these days, companies, service providers and institutions in the region are invited to exchange jobs with employees of the Heinrich-Haus sheltered workshop in the areas of crafts & production, service & service, agriculture or catering.
Heinrich-Haus gGmbH is a modern social service organization. Its workshops for people with disabilities (WfbM) employ people with disabilities who receive support in carrying out their work. The focus here is on the individual with their possibilities and abilities. Here, the work is adapted to the person and not the other way round.
Jobs such as gluing KALCRET sacks with Kalenborn labels, assembling mosaic tiles into a mat or filling citric acid into KALCRET spray additive are examples of our decades-long collaboration with Heinrich-Haus.
The photo shows from left to right: Hans Marner (Kalenborn), Holger Muesch (WfbM), Murak Simsek (WfbM), Ralf Siebertz (Kalenborn), Christian Retz (Kalenborn).